Julian Sefton-Green

Julian Sefton-Green is an independent scholar working in Education and the Cultural and Creative Industries. He is currently Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Media & Communication, London School of Economics, and a research associate at the University of Oslo working on projects in London and Oslo exploring learning and learner identity across formal and informal domains. He is an Honorary Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham, UK and the Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

He has worked as an Associate Research Professor at the University of South Australia, where he was developing a city-wide initiative to imagine and implement new kinds of spaces for learning. He has been the Head of Media Arts and Education at WAC Performing Arts and Media College – a centre for informal training and education – where he directed a range of digital media activities for young people and co-ordinated training for media artists and teachers. He worked as Media Studies teacher in an inner city comprehensive school in London and in higher education teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses, leading teacher training degrees in media education.

He has researched and written widely on many aspects of media education, new technologies, creative learning and informal learning. Recent volumes include: joint editing of The International Handbook of Creative Learning (2011) and Researching Creative Learning: Methods and Approaches (2010), both with Routledge; Learning at Not-School (2013, MIT Press); and co-editing Identity, Community and Learning Lives in the Digital Age (2013 Cambridge University Press). He has directed research projects for the Arts Council of England, the British Film Institute, the London Development Agency and Creative Partnerships and has spoken at a number of conferences around the world. His personal blog is www.julianseftongreen.net.