Month: August 2013

Teaching Surveillance

Across the US, schools are back in session. My university started back last week, and, as I usually do, I spent the first day of class discussing the syllabus, explaining to students...

Category: Digital Citizenship

Literacies and Fallacies

As someone who inhabits multiple learning worlds in libraries and public schools, concepts of literacy–traditional and emerging–are central to my work as I think about pedagogies that inform literacy practices in these...

Category: Digital Citizenship


Computers and the Internet are really good at copying information and sending it to lots of people at low cost. That's why many of the recent innovations in online learning focus on...

Category: Digital Learning

Creative Solutions for Tablets and the Common Core

The recent international conference of researchers on human-computer interaction CHI 2013 in Paris presented the opportunity to survey current trends in the so-called “learning sciences” and to assess new methodologies for computer-assisted...

Category: Edtech

How Software Sees Us

How we think about digital media is paralleled by how we think about learner identities. What kinds of learning identities are being promoted for an anticipated future in an increasingly softwarised society?About...

Category: Digital Citizenship