Topic: Educational Practice

Connected Youth and Digital Futures

On 22 June 2016, the Department of Media and Communications hosted an event to launch a new book series, Connected Youth and Digital Futures with New York University Press. The first two volumes in...

The Mentoring Gap

Mentoring is powerful — this has always been true – but it’s more critical today because young people need more guidance and preparation to navigate the demands and complexity of the changing labor market. READ MORE...

Personal Story: Martha Burtis

I'm a big fan of DS106, the radically open and learner-centric course that emanates from the University of Mary Washington. Jim Groom and Alan Levine get a lot of credit for it....

Personal Story: Jesse Stommel

Jesse Stommel, executive director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at the University of Mary Washington and director of the Hybrid Pedagogy and Digital Pedagogy Lab, recalls starring in a...

Personal Story: Sofya Zeylikman

Sofya Zeylikman is both a connected student and a connected educator, a senior studying furniture design at Rhode Island School of Design while leading workshops with kids “teaching them about the intersection...

Personal Story: Cas Holman

Toymaking (creating “tools for the imagination”) is, for Cas Holman, all about learning. “Play and a playful pedagogy are so relevant to students. We don’t know what future jobs are going to...

Personal Story: Jean Kaneko

One important aspect of learning that Makerspaces usually seem to deal with more effectively than schools is the importance of failure in learning – anyone who begins to tinker with electronics or...

Personal Story: Laura Ritchie

Some connected educators use wikis or mobile phones. Laura Ritchie, a Reader in Pedagogy at University of Chichester, uses cellos. This year, she’s running the ninth version of “Cello Weekend.” According to...

Personal Story: Laura Fleming

Traditional geographic community-based places of learning and knowledge are now also growing into places of learning and knowing through making. If you are interested in adding a makerspace to your school or...

Personal Story: Kim Jaxon

Kim Jaxon, Assistant Professor of Composition and Literacy in the English Department at Chico State University, calls herself a “big geek.” I call her a connected educator for whom the definition of...

Personal Story: Zack Baker

Zack Baker, a sixteen year old high school junior in Noblesville, Indiana, told me that the most important skill when learning how to code is knowing how to search Stack Overflow, the...

Brother Mike Leaves Revolutionary Legacy

“Mentorship, at its core, is about love.” That was Mike Hawkins’ belief, and how he helped change hundreds of young people’s lives. Known as Brother Mike, the inspiring Chicago-based poet, activist, digital...

Personal Story: Veronica Valenzuela

Veronica Valenzuela -- a 16-year-old high school senior in Pennsylvania at the time of our interview -- starting making websites at age 10, then started teaching herself to code, learning "mostly through...

Connected Educator Month

October is Connected Educator Month (CEM 2014), a month-long series of professional development activities for educators of all levels. Check out the full list of events on the CEM 2014 calendar. Join...